About Me
(BS Business Administration and Finance, Oklahoma City University; MDiv and Doctor of Ministry: Human Resilience, Dubuque Theological Seminary) is the pastor at Willerup Church located in Cambridge, Wisconsin. Jen serves on various leadership teams for the newly developed Global Methodist Church and is a delegate for the 2024 Convening Conference in Costa Rica. She has served congregations in America’s heartland for more than thirty-five years. She is a champion of the adaptive leadership style which thrives in rural, intermediate, and suburban settings.
Jen’s passion for people connected her with international leadership training for practitioners in Colombia, India, Israel, Japan, Moldova, Tanzania, and across the globe. You can be part of her global social media community that meets weekdays on Facebook. Jen is married to Bill and currently resides in Cambridge, Wisconsin.

How would you know when to move on and when to dig deep to fight? Are you stuck but have no idea how [get ‘unstuck?’ So, you continue to do the same thing expecting different results. Well...that my friends is the definition of insanity.
Jen Wilson.

Let’s say a door opened to you today—would you be ready for what is on the other side?
Jen Wilson.
Unshakable Resilience: Embrace Your Unique Role and
Rise Beyond Expectations
Resilience is a key quality which reaches for the strength to rise again after setbacks. Throughout history, successful individuals have embodied this trait, and it’s not limited to just a few—it’s available to everyone. Jen Wilson, with a Christ-centered approach, encourages leaders to embrace their responsibility, even if it wasn’t a role they sought. You are unique and irreplaceable. Let resilience push you to overcome challenges and achieve greatness beyond your expectations.
Book is available on Amazon.
It’s about overcoming adversity and emerging stronger
Rise with Resilience and Purpose. Embrace challenges, lead with faith, and achieve greatness through unwavering strength.