Gratitude and Faith

Selfish No Longer: Transform with Gratitude & Faith

Table of Contents

Our natural tendency is to want more. Gratitude can stop that insatiable desire right in its tracks. We can learn to interrupt our selfish desire by practicing a selfless act of compassion or by making a sacrifice for the greater good. We all can trade our ‘gimme’ attitude that we are born with for the ‘give you’ attitude Jesus modeled so brilliantly and wants to share with us. It takes time to intentionally change our selfish disposition and why it is so important to teach and model a life of gratitude for others around us.


Gratitude is both a philosophical and Godly virtue. Cicero, a Roman philosopher and statesman who lived more than 2,000 years ago taught that gratitude was not only the greatest virtue—it was the parent of all others. Thankfulness was a common theme for Apostle Paul as he led the early Christian churches. Verses about gratitude are included in almost every book of the Bible.


A discipline of gratitude can absolutely change us and have generational impact. It is an indication of Christian maturity to be grateful in all things and something crucial for our chosen life of faith. Gratitude is a powerful weapon against defeat. And at the same time, it breathes life into the characteristics we all desire in our lives such as kindness, faithfulness and self control.


If you truly want to challenge yourself and family to something that will get you closer to the heart of God, practice Christian gratitude daily for 30 days. Talk about it everyday-morning, noon and night. Find bible verses that include the words: gratitude, appreciation, thanks, thankful, thankfulness, grateful, recognition, obligation, tribute, indebtedness, praise, honor, or grace.

Imagine what your life might be like if you were to practice gratitude as a discipline. Take this verse to heart:


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