Kingdom Mindset

Anticipation: Reflecting the Kingdom of God

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What’s going on here?

While we prepared to celebrate the life of Bernadine Christianson on Friday, a twenty-eight year old guy was marveling about Willerup. He mentioned how we supplied ushers at the doors for a funeral! He gushed about the people in the kitchen and fellowship area. They were really having fun together! He contemplated in wonder how there was obviously something different here.

Anticipating the needs of others is a hallmark of the Kingdom mindset. Anticipating what we need is what God did for us in Jesus. Likewise, the anticipation of Holy Spirit’s presence is a welcomed and invited presence of God here at Willerup for more than worship. We anticipate, welcome and invite Him to be part of our everyday lives. Jesus made a statement that ‘the Kingdom of God is in your midst.’ (Luke 17:21) Many have speculated as to what Jesus meant. I believe that twenty-eight year old guy experienced what Jesus meant—the Kingdom of God was in our midst and he knew it. Maybe he experienced it for the first time!

Indeed, the Kingdom of God is in your midst. We certainly know where the Kingdom of God is not and where the Kingdom is active and revealing to everyone what God’s holy Kingdom is all about. People notice. They ask. They want to know more. Peter stated it plainly, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15) Think about how you would answer the question: what is going on here? I am praying you get the opportunity to share your answer.

Pastor Jen


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